Massage & the Power of Touch
Some years ago, I wrote about the need for comforting touch in times of prevailing isolation in our modernized society. Technology, burgeoning reports of sexual abuse and trauma across decades, and the breakdown of ability to find a touch-safe culture has increased suicide rates, depression and chronic pain issues.
“We forget that touch is not only basic to our species, but the key to it.”
Saul Schanberg
I had no idea how much that idea would be magnified, given the past two years of enduring the challenges of pandemic life. Our communities have been very much impacted as our social culture has struggled against the tide of where we stand with each other in terms of safe boundaries in health and wellness.
In the article “Hands on Research: The Science of Touch,” author Dacher Keltner wrote, “Touch can even have economic effects, promoting trust and generosity. When psychologist Robert Kurzban had participants play the “prisoner’s dilemma” game, in which they could choose either to cooperate or compete with a partner for a limited amount of money, an experimenter gently touched some of the participants as they were starting to play the game—just a quick pat on the back. But it made a big difference: Those who were touched were much more likely to cooperate and share with their partner.”
Scientists are delving further into how the power of touch has far-reaching implications for cognitive, emotional, developmental, behavioral qualities in people. This could not only to further the strength of our community, but also to increase efficacy in medical practices, academics and even economics.
It has really come to light across the globe this past two years how social isolation can have a really big impact on mental health. In our own backyard, we have industries, such as the oil and gas industry, that have a lot of occupational stressors that include isolating environments, poor sleep patterns due to long hours and time away from home, and a lot of physical & mental fatigue. There are even studies being conducted about the impact of these types of jobs on the mental health of the workers as a whole, which raises the question about how much work isolation can contribute to a decrease in overall well-being as well.
“The pressure of the hands causes the springs of life to flow.”
Tokujiro Namikoshi
Working in the massage industry, this is my whole world, the sense of touch. It is literally my job to create a safe space for clients to receive therapeutic touch in various ways, whether it is for athletic recovery or alleviation of stress for a range of chronic pain conditions, or simply for the sake of receiving touch itself in the presence of another compassionate human being.
I will let you in on a secret- massage doesn’t have to have a fancy technique in order to be a hundred-percent beneficial or feel fantastically great. Just the act of receiving a relaxing massage can alleviate anxiety and depression, which can facilitate better sleep, reduce stress and increase overall well-being.
The power of touch belongs to all ages, is a primal need for all of us, and can play a powerful role in improving our quality of life not only as individuals but the overall health of our community and society.